Final Exam Jokes

I was having a bad mood trying to understand Reservoir in the library.
I stared and stared at the Material Balance Equation. I think I crumpled my forehead after so much frowing. Every symbols and terms seemed to stare back at me with disgust.
Until someone said something...

"I baru discover something. You tau tak.. bila kita nak siapkan satu-satu kerja yg susah.. macam FYP (final year project) kan.. bila semua orang tak dapat tolong kita. Even lecturer pun tak boleh tolong. You tau tak sapa boleh tolong kita?"

"Sape?" (Dalam hati : ni what kind of talk pulak ni...)

" I baru tau, bila semua orang tak boleh tolong kita kan, ada sorang je yang boleh tolong selesaikan masalah tu.
You tau tak sapa orang tu? DIRI KITA SENDIRI lah yang boleh tolong."

"Tere kan? Rupa-rupanya orang yg boleh tolong to solve our problem is our self!"

I laughed and said.

"You baru tahu ke?"

"You macam pergi kem motivasi lahhh hahahaha" (sambung gelak lagi)

It sounded like a joke at first.
But not now.
Thank you.

This is the writing of his.
Takpayah zoom, memang tak boleh baca.

0 nosy parkers: