Industrial Training Captures

Browsing through the internship folders, and found these pictures.
I never talked about it here eh? My 8 months training, I mean.

Yani, Kak Marriam (the CEO's secretary, who always wear everything to match), I and this Imperial Coll's girl I can't remember her name. Ops.

This is how we do it. *grin*

Gossip buddies, Quran class-mate, my saviours - Kak Liana and Kak Farrah.

I took this, an ERP in Mutiara Damansara. Notice the rainbow? Nice.

Health program. I'm the youngest participant (the program is tailored for above 40's, ehehehe) Royal Adelphi Seremban je pun.

Kak Ayu and Kak Shaz. Can't imagine days at office w/o them!

I don't know who took this, but this picture get its way to the PETRONAS intranet news bulletin!!
Yeaaaay I'm famousss.
Till (I feel like writing) then.

0 nosy parkers: