a common Saturday of my life

And this is one of my favourite cousin. I like him because he's chubby, fat, kerek gile (I find it HOT!), and has smile that can melt my cold heart away.

First, we went to Bukit Antarabangsa, which according to bf, orang sana panggil B.A (oh ye ke, mana I tau, type sms siap penuh lagi B-u-k-i-t....) for open house at KakNgah Fazlin. Traffic was bad, my father berleter, semua buat muka ketat dalam kereta. I on the other hand did not offer to drive at all, since I didn't bring my glasses. And yes, I quit lenses. Benci mata always dry, end up terkenyit-kenyit je.

Then we drove (we? I mean my father, I slept the whole way ;p ) to Putra Heights for some old good times with family. Tengok rumah baru my uncle, comment nenek
'Besar berdengung rumah kau Haruuunnnn..!'

Then balik, pening kepala (sbb bangun pagi) and my neck hurts (sbb tidur banyak dalam kereta).

On the different note, I slept late yesterday listening to Snow Patrol, Hundred Million Suns! Haha, ada ke orang tidur lambat dengar whole album (ade Chintet! orang takde keje!) and I must, must say I love it!

Personal favourite
-If There's A Rocket Tie Me To It
-Crack The Shutters
-Set Down Your Glass
-Sebenarnya semua suke.

Ok, later aligator.

2 nosy parkers:

Anonymous said...

come on..tell us the truth,entry ni sebab nak tunjuk tudung baru kan??

Haneysa said...

tu tudung rm10 je lah fa. i nak tunjuk vest dgn skinny baru, tapi tak nampak pulak dlm gambar.